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FRINFORMSUM: 1/12/2011

January 12, 2011

Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Norm Eisen. From

Read POGO’s (Project on Government Oversight) tragic write up of how the Whistle Blower Protection Act –which passed both houses of Congress unanimouslywas killed.

And here is the effort to find out which senator put an anonymous hold on the bill to kill it.

Speaking of Senate gridlock, President Obama used a recess appointment for his former Special Counsel for Ethics and Government Reform, Norm Eisen.  Eisen –also a co-founder of CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington)– was appointed to Ambassador to the Czech Republic, where he will serve for one year.  Senator Chuck Grassley had put a hold on Eisen’s nomination.

Nancy Youseff examines why many US journalists are “taking a pass” at defending wikileaks.

Meanwhile, wikileaks has not posted a new cable on its website since the 5th of January.

Donald Rumsfeld will be utilizing declassified documents (obtained without having to wait in a FOIA queue) to sell his memoirs.

Oh, and did anyone read that “bunch of crap” in In the Loop today?

  1. compaz permalink
    January 12, 2011 8:17 pm

    update : wikileaks has just now published some new cable [on their site they collocate the pubblication on 7 -9 and 10 january… ??’] .anyways the topics are italian mafia and other stuffs, aviable now at the location .CH

  2. Nate Jones permalink
    January 13, 2011 6:32 pm

    And the first link to Pogo’s excellent story on the sad death of the Whistle-blower Protection Act is now fixed.


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